This Living Wallpaper Uses Bacteria to Generate Electricity

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Previously known as the culprit behind some of the worst eyesores in home decorating history, wallpaper may be on the verge of a comeback. As FastCoDesign reports, scientists at Imperial College in London, the University of Cambridge, and Central Saint Martins have pioneered an innovative wall covering made of paper that contains live bacteria. The goal? To use that bacteria to generate electricity.

Here’s how it works. The paper is processed through a common inkjet printer, getting stamped with both conductive ink and then cyanobacteria, a photosynthesizing organism that gathers energy from light sources and turns it into electricity. After being exposed to the light, the paper's ink is able to conduct energy from the bacteria. The sample used—paper roughly the size of an iPad—powered a small LED bulb and digital clock via energy collected over the course of 100 hours.

Researchers at Imperial and their colleagues at the University of Cambridge and Central Saint Martins say the applications for “living wallpaper” are numerous. It could be used to monitor indoor air quality by powering sensors; in health care settings, small samples could monitor patients with conditions like diabetes. If enough energy could be harvested, it might be able to power larger devices or even charge phones—all of it disposable and biodegradable.

The project will next attempt to scale the paper panels up in size to allow for greater photosynthesis productivity while cleverly disguised as home decoration.

[h/t FastCoDesign]